Saturday 29 October 2016

Filming Day 3: Friday 28th October

Today we filmed at Normanby Hall and we revised the farm location due to not being able to film here yesterday. We arrived early at the farm location to ensure that we were going to get done in plenty of time to make sure we had enough time left to go to Normanby Hall and record. Luckily we finished at the farm within an hour of arriving, all of the shots we had planned went to plan and I am very happy with the result of the trip. One of the shots we had planned to film at the farm was a shot of Sophie ripping up a photograph of herself and Charlie, to ensure we got the perfect shot we decided to take four copies of the photograph. Taking numerous copies of the photograph was a fantastic idea as it gave us the opportunity to take the shot from different angles e.g over her shoulder, looking up at her and a long shot of her. We then moved on to Normanby Hall, here we had to shoot one of the memories for the video and then eight lines of the song. Everything that we filmed here we filmed directly from our storyboards which made the process very quick, easy and very time efficient. So overall I am extremely happy with everything we filmed today and how Morgan, Indya and I worked as a team throughout the process of filming.

Friday 28 October 2016

Filming Day 2: Thursday 27th October

Today the locations we planned on using were the scene at Sophie's house in the bath, the memory scene in the snug and finally the abandoned farm. However, upon arrival to the farm it came to our attention that some people were at the farm that could potentially effect our filming so we decided to change our filming at the farm to Friday morning. Instead of going to the farm we decided to go down a public footpath which was near the farm anyway just so we wasn't wasting time to take some photo's of Sophie that could be used for the digipak. This was successful and we got a couple of images of Sophie with some landscaped backgrounds. The memory we filmed in the snug turned out really well, the narrative our video is based around is domestic abuse, so we have a memory of a time that our male actor gets angry due to Sophia not being ready to go out then gets aggressive. This scene took along time to film as we wanted to make it tasteful but yet get across a strong narrative of a very current problem in the world. The scene in the bath we have decided to re-film due to having another idea after we had finished filming. We are going to try our new idea and then decided in editing which we prefer. Overall I believe that today didn't go aswell as the previous, however we still have got alot of scenes done.

Thursday 27 October 2016


We just arrived at the abandoned farm and set up the tripods! However it turns out that in one of the rooms there is a group of teenage boys smoking and being very loud. After a group discussion we decided that there is NO WAY it would be possible to film in this location at this time so we are just about to find an alternate location which could give us the same effect that the farm would've.

We will return to the farm again tomorrow morning to see if we can get the shots that we initially planned.

Filming Day 1: Wednesday 26th October

Today was our first day of shooting our music video 'Gravity'. Locations which we used today was the door scene at Amy's house, the bedroom at my house and the bathroom at my house. During the day we got everything we wanted to get done filmed. At our first location we had no problems as everything went really well. However during the second scene we were planning to film we struggled to get the lighting right. As the scene we were trying to film in the bedroom is to be at night, however due to having the curtains and the blinds shut this made seeing the faces of Sophie and Charlie extremely hard. We tried numerous ways to solve this problem, including using fairy lights above the actors heads and having Amy our helper for the day standing with a lamp pointing at the ceiling so it didn't make the scene look too bright so it is a realistic light for a nighttime scene. Finally all of the shots we took in the bathroom went really well. Overall I believe that our first day went really well and  I believe that we are well on target for the rest of our filming.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Planning: Normanby Hall Risk Assessment

Planning: Farm Risk Assessment

Planning: Bath Scene Risk Assessment

Planning: Art Department Furniture and Props

Planning: Script Breakdowns (GROUP POST)

Planning: Final Script For Gravity Music Video (GROUP POST)

 Name of music video: Gravity

Initial Shot-List
KEY: locationspropsactors,Shots

Scene 1: establishing shots
1.Sophia in the bath
2.Camera pan slowly around her face during the introduction of the song
3.Sophia bruises are reveled
4.Bath in Sophie’s bathroom (Brigg)
Scene 2
1.  In bedroom, (Amy’s house)
2.  Sophia applying lipstick in the mirror
3.  Sophia wearing a red velvet dress and Jason wearing black jeans and white shirt
4.  Over the shoulder shot of Sophia in the mirror
5.  Pan shot of the room revealing Jason looking at Sophia in the room
Scene 3
1.  Jason looking at his watch implying that Sophia is running late
2.  Jason wearing smart clothing (white shirt and black jeans)
3.  Sophia wearing red velvet dress
4.  Close up of his watch
Scene 4
1.  Jason begins to shout at Sophia
2.  Sophia starts arguing back
3.  Jason grabs her arms and got to hit her but the camera then cuts so no violence is shown
4.  Still in the bedroom at Amy’s house
5.  Medium long shot of the scene with Jason grabbing Sophia
Scene 5
1.Camera cuts back to Sophia in the bath
2. She is holding her self tightly like a chain would, linking to the lyrics
3. Medium close up just showing her face and tops of shoulders
4. Sophia submerges under the water
5. On the next shot she appears again above the water
6. High angles showing her submersion
7. Medium close up showing her returning above the water
Scene 6
1.Sophia locking the house door
2. At Amy’s house
3. Pan shots of her locking the door and then walking away
Scene 7
1.Walking into camera singing
2. Location at Normanby Hall (In the Woods)
3. Sophia wearing casual clothes (Jeans, boots, jacket and white top)
4. Pull focus to make her the focus amongst trees
Scene 8
1.  A memory: Sophia and Jason under a tree
2.  Both wearing casual clothes but different from before (jeans and t-shirts)

Scene 9
1.  Sophia singing into camera
2.  Medium close up’s to catch her reactions/emotions
3.  At Normanby Hall
Scene 10
1. Another memory Sophia and Jason cuddled up on a bed
2. Sophia tries to get up, Jason pulls her back down
3. High angle shot
Scene 11
1.Sophia singing into mirror
2. As the camera focuses Sophia’s bruises are revealed to the camera
3. Pull focus
Scene 12
1.Sophia walking into camera
2. At Normanby Hall
3. Longshot
Scene 13
1.Stood amongst tree’s low angles looking up at her showing strength
2. Normanby Hall
3. Low angle looking up at her
Scene 14
1.Sophia on her knees looking emotional
2.Farm in Brigg
3.medium longshot
Scene 15
1.Sophia sat against a wall with heart with Jason and Sophia in it
2. Location at the farm in Brigg
3. Medium longshot, showing Sophia and the graffiti on the wall
Scene 16
1.Sophia rips up photo of herself and Jason
2. After she has ripped up the photo she throws it into the air
3.Over cranking to show the paper falling
4.At the farm
Scene 17
1.Sophia looking at her phone, showing Jason being in a new relationship
2. Side shot of her singing
3.At the farm
Scene 18
1.Close up on tear running down Sophia’s face
2.At the farm
3. Prop: Water to put the tears on her face
Scene 19
1.Sophia turns her head slowly into camera to reveal the diminished makeup
2. Makeup running down her face
3. At the farm
Scene 20
1.Zoom into cracked phone
2. On the cracked phone is Jason’s new girlfriend picture on the screen.
3. At the farm

Planning: Call Sheet (GROUP POST)

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Research Post 6: Adele Hello Close Up's

This close up is such a powerful image of how saddened Adele is. The high angle combined with the close up creates a visible representation that she is sorry. At this time in the video she is vulnerable so it is the perfect time to add in this shot.
Here Adele looks miserable and is tilting her head up to the camera which shows that she is devastated, this also gives us a different view of her face in addition to the lighting being different.
 This shot was taken from the side to give a silhouette kind of image. By showing her talking on the phone it helps develop the narrative by incorporating the lyrics as well when she sings "hello".
Another close up of Adele which makes it look like she is shouting out her lyrics. Her face is extremely expressive here as well.
Side profile of her looking down expresses deep sadness.
In this extreme close up it would have been essential for Adele's makeup to be perfect since you would be able to see any minor mistake. Her facial expression is very serious and emotional to express the mood of the song.

Again, this extreme close up shows her singing with all of her emotion coming out into her facial expression. As the notes in the music get longer and stronger her face becomes more expressive.
 Had her nails done to contribute to her image. It is an extreme close up to make it more personal as it looks like she is crying.
 Low angle with her hands in the shot. Blurry bars look like she's imprisoned.
 This shot looks almost theatrical because of how expressive she is. I love how her hands are caressing her face almost as if she is screaming
 Extreme close up from a side angle of her using the phone as a prop. Her tear represents how broken down she is.
 Expressive hand gestures from a side angle whilst she is sat on the stairs. Her eyes are closed which makes it seem like she is consumed by sadness.

 This pull focus shot is very effective when showing how she is feeling. Her eyes are staring directly into the camera in order to connect with the audience.
Her face is very clear in this close up and the background is blurred which pulls the focus onto her facial expression.

As she looks to the side in this close up she uses even more hand gestures. The use of wind or a fan is very important in this shot because it blows her hair around. Thus suggesting as the weather gets more powerful so does her music and emotion.

 The lighting from the background is powerful here.
This shot is so effective and gives off a very mysterious tone. Even her eyes look sad as she has been directed not to smile and to look miserable.

How this research has influenced my planning and creativity:

  • Extreme close ups can be used to show deep emotion and are a really good shot to use especially on the eyes to display the sadness in a song.
  • I love how Adele still involves hand movements into her close ups by touching her face alot.
  • Adele's facial expressions give more of an impact to the audience when shown close up.